Saturday 30 January 2016

Renal Transplant Specialist in Chennai

Transplantation is a very complicated procedure. Like all surgeries it has some general and some specific challenges. While some of these complications can be avoided, some need to be dealt with post-surgery. Hence, it is always Important to be prepared for the best and the worst when going in for such a complicated surgery. One of the most unfortunate complications include the rejection of the new organ by the body.

The major reason why a person rejects a new organ is because the body's natural immunity realizes that the new organ is a foreign object and refuses to continue carrying normal bodily functions with it. There are mainly three types of rejections: Hyperacute rejection (occurs within a few minutes after the transplant), Acute rejection (can occur any time from the first week to 3 months after the transplant), or Chronic Rejection (can take years to act as the body slowly rejects and damages the new organ).

The trauma of finally receiving a donor and then going through the pain of organ rejection can be very difficult for  a patient. Samar Qureshi, went through this when her body rejected a kidney after a successful surgery. Years later, she found another match and wished to only be treated by the best professional doctor. She asked us to find the best Renal Transplant Specialist in Chennai. She was then scheduled for surgery and went into the operation theater feeling extremely anxious. Thankfully, this time, her body accepted the new organ and now she doesn't need dialysis and is grateful for her new life.

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