Friday 21 August 2015

IVF Specialist in Mumbai giving the gift of life

Reproducing is the one of the most beautiful and significant part of our lives. While most couples conceive easily and naturally; with our lifestyles today, many struggle with having children for years. This stress isn't just fueled by the social pressure but also emotional turmoil and guilt. With our fast pace lifestyles and erratic sleeping and eating patterns, coupled with our professional lives' stress, conceiving is no more a child's play.

Six months ago, Aishwarya Chandra called us up and told our in-house doctor her story. At 34, she had PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and was shaving trouble conceiving. After having tried for 3 years, she finally was about to give up when she called us up. Our in-house doctor told her than thousands of women across the globe were now becoming mothers in their mid-thirties and told her to have faith. She then told Aishwarya about all the treatments and doctors that she could choose from.

After serious consideration, Aishwarya chose from some of the best ivf specialists in mumbai. After proper medical guidance and counseling, coupled with a better, healthier lifestyle, Aishwarya called us up last week to tell us that she is expecting a baby. She is taking good care of herself and will finally receive the gift of motherhood. Many women like her benefited from proper medical care and have been able to conceive. Today an increasing number of women in the country are looking for medical assistance to have babies and are succeeding at it as well- just like Aishwarya.

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