Thursday 21 January 2016

Bariatric Surgeon in Kolkata Helps Woman Start a Fresh

Mental illness is just as serious as any kind of physical illness. However, it can be more difficult to diagnose due to the lack of evident physical symptoms. Mental health issues when not paid heed to can lead to implications for the physical health as well(and vice-verse.) This can be seen very easily in our societies. Most bed-ridden elderly become bitter and depressed in the old age. However, those who are physically fit and healthy would also have good mental health. People who go through tragedies in their life that affects their mental health, also leaves them with diseases like diabetes and other cardiac issues.

Madhumita Ganguly, a 45 year old homemaker lost her husband in an accident 16 years after their marriage. The sudden shock and lack of mental support from her family and friends resulted in depression for Madhumita. She would just sit in a room and cry. This went on for months after which, even though the crying stopped, she started to eat uncontrollably. Madhumita started to gain weight and refused to do anything about it when her family intervened.

Earlier last year, Madhumita turned 50 and decided she needed to change. She promised her loved ones and herself that she wanted to start a fresh and would begin to take care of herself. Her biggest challenge though, was not her weight. Her deteriorating health prevented her from exercising much and dieing alone was not going to help. She then decided to call us and asked us to find her a bariatric surgeon in kolkata for consultation. After an appointment with him, it was decided that Madhumita would have the surgery and step into a new phase in her life.

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