Saturday 30 January 2016

Find the best Orthopedists in Chennai atthe click of a button

As we grow old, our bodies grow old with us and as do our bones. As children, the same bones that enable us to play for hours without getting tired and fall down everyday in park and on the roads, fail us in the old age. After about 60 years of age, the slightest fall or physical trauma can result in breaking of our bones. But what causes this depletion in our bones? As we age, bones loose their density, making them weak and brittle. Despite being strong in our youth, eventually, bones start to weaken and get cracked and broken easily.

When we fracture most of our bones in young age, the doctors usually just administer a plaster on the area so that the bone can heal itself. It is only in some specific cases that any other medical or surgical interference is required. However, in the old age, our bodies aren't strong enough to heal themselves. Osteoporosis refers to a  condition of the bones that makes them brittle and more susceptible to fractures. As you would imagine, it is fairly common among the elderly.

Vidya Ramakrishnan is a single parent who lives with her mother, Revathi Ramakrishnan. A few months ago, Revathi fell down from a Rikshaw and fractured her wrist. It was painful and inconvenient, as she is the primary caretaker of the house. Soon she recovered but a small fall in the bathroom resulted in a hip fracture, just months later. Worried about her mother's heath, Vidya called up and booked an appointment with an best orthopedist in Chennai. The doctor confirmed osteoporosis and started her on the required medicines, along with counseling her on the lifestyle changes she will have to make.

Renal Transplant Specialist in Chennai

Transplantation is a very complicated procedure. Like all surgeries it has some general and some specific challenges. While some of these complications can be avoided, some need to be dealt with post-surgery. Hence, it is always Important to be prepared for the best and the worst when going in for such a complicated surgery. One of the most unfortunate complications include the rejection of the new organ by the body.

The major reason why a person rejects a new organ is because the body's natural immunity realizes that the new organ is a foreign object and refuses to continue carrying normal bodily functions with it. There are mainly three types of rejections: Hyperacute rejection (occurs within a few minutes after the transplant), Acute rejection (can occur any time from the first week to 3 months after the transplant), or Chronic Rejection (can take years to act as the body slowly rejects and damages the new organ).

The trauma of finally receiving a donor and then going through the pain of organ rejection can be very difficult for  a patient. Samar Qureshi, went through this when her body rejected a kidney after a successful surgery. Years later, she found another match and wished to only be treated by the best professional doctor. She asked us to find the best Renal Transplant Specialist in Chennai. She was then scheduled for surgery and went into the operation theater feeling extremely anxious. Thankfully, this time, her body accepted the new organ and now she doesn't need dialysis and is grateful for her new life.

Brain Specialist in Kolkata | Credihealth

The history of mankind and all the great things that have been achieved by human beings is unbelievable. From hunting and gathering to going to another planet on a planned mission in just 10, 000 years, is no ordinary feat. The main virtue that makes us different from other animals and enables us to carry such complicated functions in our day-to-day lives, is the immense capacity of our brain.

A human brain is the most complex organ of a human being's body and consumes most amount of energy in our bodies because of all the different and difficult functions it performs. So it is needless to say that the human brain  needs care and protection to perform in an optimal manner and a failure to do so could have disastrous results for our well-being.

Some common disorders of the brain include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's disease, tumors, aneurysms, epilepsy and cerebral palsy. An aneurysm refers to a swollen or blown-out part of a cerebral vein. The common symptoms include fatigue, loss of balance, nausea and headache. It can also be asymptomatic in some cases.

Rasika Chaudhary, fainted in college one day. While she thought it was because of stress and her poor diet, this was a result of an aneurysm. Even though it took her a while to figure out that these frequent headaches and fainting episodes could be because of a medical condition, she took the right decision of consulting a specialist the second she had this realization. She called us up and told us the symptoms, after which she was advised to see a neurologist or a Brain Specialist in Kolkata.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Credihealth helps you find the right cancer Doctor in Kolkata

Fighting cancer can be extremely traumatizing for anyone but it is also very difficult for the family of the patient to deal with the disease. Very recently, pop star Celine Dion, lost both her brother and husband to the dreadful disease in a gap of just a few days. While the world has been upset over the shock and despair the singer is going through, it has also bought much needed attention to the trauma a cancer patient's family has to bear.

Even though most people are now aware of different kinds of cancer treatments, a lot of people still don't have access to palliative care. Palliative care refers to specialized medical care for cancer patients or patients of other serious illnesses that focuses on improving the quality of life being lead by those in recovering phase of the disease and their families. However, the first thing that one needs to do to take the first step towards recovery, is to find the best doctor to diagnose and treatment. That is where Credihealth comes in.

Arindam Ghosh, a father of three teenagers saw that a mole on his neck, which he had had since he was a kid, had suddenly started to grow in size. He ignored this little change for a while but then realized that the mole had also become tender to touch. This worried him and he decided to google his symptom. When he realised that the  abnormal increase in the mole's size could mean skin cancer he called Credihealth so we could find him a best cancer doctor in Kolkata. Thankfully, since the disease was detected early, Arindam has now been fully cured.

Nephrologist in Kolkata helps with serious case of Pyelonephritis

Urinary Tract Infections, commonly known as UTIs are more common than we would like to believe. These are mostly caused by E.coli that is released from the body with feces. When women use infected washrooms, have diabetes or sometimes engage in sexual activities, they can get an infection in the urethra, resulting in Urinary Tract Infections. These infections, which are common, especially in women, can easily be treated with anti-biotics. However, if left untreated, they could result in various complications, the worst being the infection spreading to the kidneys.

Pyelonephritis refers to an infection caused either by an untreated Urinary Tract Infection or through the bloodstream. This is a serious disease, which if left untreated could lead to kidney failure or prove fatal for the patient. Some of the symptoms of the disease include: fever, abdominal pain, low blood pressure, painful urination, shivering, nausea etc.

Amrita Ghei, a resident of Delhi had recently married, Amitabh Majoomdar, her friend from college. While on her honeymoon in Malaysia, Amrita felt some discomfort while urinating but chose to not share with her husband. After she came to her husband's ancestral house to spend sometime with his family in Kolkata, the abdominal pain increased and Amrita soon was in unbearable pain along with high fever. When the family doctor was called to check on her, he suspected that Amrita had a serious UTI and advised them to see a kidney specialist. 

Without wasting anymore time, Amitabh called up Credihealth and asked us to find a best nephrologist in kolkata. We booked an appointment for him with the best doctor in his area and his wife started with treatment immediately.

Credihealth helps find Renal Transplant Specialist in Kolkata

Medical science has made some major advancements in the last century. While performing and receiving surgeries has become easier and more convenient, the recovery time has also decreased due to lacroscopic surgeries. Another miraculous achievement in the medical world has been the introduction of organ transplantation, including that of heart, kidneys, liver, lungs etc.

Kidney transplantation, like all other procedures has its unique sets of challenges; the main one being finding a donor, which is true for all transplantation procedures. The other major complication being the receiver’s body rejecting the organ for an unexplained reason. Another complication, specific to Renal or Kidney transplantation, is urine leakage from the newly attached organ. In addition to all these, a high blood pressure, existence/development of diabetes and the presence of kidney stones in the donor can also be huge barriers in the way of carrying the procedure successfully.

Sanam Qamir, a young woman working in Kolkata found out that her 55 year-old mother, Naseem had damaged both her kidneys and was in need of a transplantation procedure. After being on Dialysis for months, the wealthy Qamir family finally found a donor and were in search of a credible and experienced Renal Transplant Specialist in Kolkata. After speaking to relatives and friends and being thoroughly confused about their options, the family called us up at Credihealth and asked us to find them the best specialists in the field. After finding the top three doctors in the field, our in-house doctor gave Sanam all the options. Sanam chose one of them and her mother is due to undergo surgery next week.

Credihealth finds Neurosurgeon in Kolkata, saving a young woman's life

The nervous system causes both the voluntary and involuntary actions in a human being's body and consists of two main parts- central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. These comprise of the spinal cord, the brain and nerves that transmit signals to different parts of the body.

The nervous system carries some vital and diverse functions in the human body. The easiest way to understand how the nervous system works is to think of the brain and spinal chord, together, as a computer. This bodily computer of our body enables all the other functions of our body- internal and external. This is the reason that neurological diseases in our bodies need immediate attention, otherwise they have huge negative impact on our bodies.
 The specialists who attend to the diseases, disorders and injuries of the nervous systems are neurologists and neurosurgeons. Finding a good, experienced specialist in this field may be difficult. A research some time ago revealed that India has a shortage neurologists and neurosurgeons, with most of them residing and practicing in Metropolitan cities. That leaves just handful of doctors to attend to people in rural areas and suburbs.

Zahaan Malik who lives with his family in Kolkata, faced a similar issue last month. While his wife, Amani, was driving back from work, she met with a terrible accident. She was immediately taken to the hospital where it was revealed that she had suffered and needed a specialist. The small hospital where she was being treated did not have the right doctor or the required equipment. That is when Zahaan called up Credihealth and asked us to find the nearest best neurosurgeon in Kolkata. We found that the closest specialist was just across the street to them and advised Zahaan to have Amani transferred there for treatment.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Find Oncologists in Kolkata for Skin Cancer

With the advancement in medical technology, doctors and cancer experts have now found different and more effective ways of treating different types of cancers. Still, the first step to treating a deadly disease like cancer is timely diagnosis. Keeping yourself updated with signs and symptoms of diseases that run in the family or are common in your geographical region, are imperative in today's world. As our lifestyles get more and more hectic and our eating and sleeping habits get inconsistent; our health too declines. In addition to that, the increasing pollution and UV rays from the sun harm us in ways we don't even completely understand yet.

Skin Cancer is mainly of three different kinds: basal-cell carcinoma(BCC), squamous-cell carcinoma(SCC) and malignant melanoma. The most common symptoms of these include changes in certain parts of the skin. These changes would look different from a normal pimple or a regular mole. Doctors insist to look for any abnormality in the shape and size of any old mark or mole on the skin. It is suggested that the best way to prevent skin cancer is to stay away from the harmful rays of the sun as much as possible and use sunscreen whenever you are outdoors.

Chandrani Sen Gupta, a botanist at a reputed college in Kolkata, noticed an abnormal mark/wound on her husband's nose and pestered him to have it checked. When she went to the local hospital the dermatologist asked them to get some tests and then advised them to see a specialist when it was confirmed cancer. Chandrani, without wasting any time, called us up at Credihealth and asked us to find the most experienced oncologist in Kolkata. Her husband is now getting treatment and is hopefully expected to make a full recovery.

Friday 22 January 2016

Find the best Radiation Oncologists in Kolkata through Credihealth

Scientists and experts aren't still completely sure about the root cause of all kinds of cancer. It is believed by most that genetic factors, coupled with poor lifestyle choices cause gene mutations that result in cancer. The disease, today, is seen as one of the most dangerous diseases in the world and requires aggressive treatment methods including complicated surgeries and chemotherapy.

Radiation oncology, a method that treats cancer with radiation is also used to correct a wide variety of cancers. This works in a way that the radiation targets cancer cells, consequently killing them by preventing them from dividing and growing. In addition to being used to shrink the tumor in order to treat the patient, radiation therapy is also used to reduce symptoms in people with incurable cancers.

Rakesh Dua, an engineer staying in Asansol, Kolkata, found out that he was suffering from cancer and needed to find a good hospital and doctor for his treatment. His family- two teenager children and a wife, were anxiously worried about his health and wanted him to see only the best doctors. On their advice, Rakesh decided to call up Credihealth

He asked us to find him the most experienced radiation oncologist in Kolkata for his treatment and did not mind traveling all the way to the city for his health. On his request, our in-house doctor got in touch with some of the best doctors in the city and booked an appointment for Rakesh's consultation next week. Rakesh and his entire family are now hoping for him to be free of the deadly disease.

How to Find the Best Pediatricians in Kolkata

In addition to care, love and protection from adults, children require nutrition and medical attention to live and grow into physically and mentally healthy individuals. However, being in the developing age and not being strong, they are more susceptible to different diseases and infections.

Tarun Bhalla, a journalist who had recently moved to Kolkata for a new job with his family, was extremely busy with his work and noticed that his 7 year-old son, Ritwik, had started to fall ill very frequently. Worried about Ritwik, Tarun and his wife Chandini called up their Pediatrician in Kanpur and asked him the reason behind Ritwik's declined health. Their doctor told them that the only explanation could be the change in weather and assured them that within no time their son will be better.

The couple waited for a while but saw no improvement in their son's health. They then decided to get help. Ritwik asked a couple of his colleagues and decided to call us up at Credihealth for guidance. Our in-house doctor suggested that they see a specialist and suggested three options. The couple chose one of them and decided to make an appointment.

After meeting with one of the best pediatrician in Kolkata, they realized that even though the change in environment was the main factor behind Ritwik's illness, the problem was more serious than they had previously thought. After questioning the couple about their residential area and Ritwik's medical history, the doctor feared that the polluted water in their house was creating a problem and started their son's treatment. After religiously taking the medications and moving to a different locality, their son's health got back to normal.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Credihealth finds Orthopedist in Kolkata for an Emergency Case

The human body is extremely complex. From the blinking of the eye to digesting a big piece of steak; our bodies require different types of muscles and bones to work together in order for us to perform basic bodily functions and even a small error or injury to any of these can make performing daily tasks extremely difficult for the person. Both muscles and bones are bound to each other with tendons and ligaments and enable us to move our hands, legs. Mouths etc.

Bones are collective tissues and are really strong. However, occasionally, a severe trauma to the body can crack or can potentially break the bone. For cracks and minor bone injuries, plasters are administered that give a bone a good amount of time to heal. Sometimes, however, breaking of a bone needs more than just time to heal. In case of hip fracture or severe damage to the bone, surgeries may be required. 

Nandita Chowdhary, a young student was on her way to a coaching center on her scooty when a car came in full speed just outside her house in Behala, and hit her. While she waited for her brother on the road, she saw her bone from under her flesh in her right leg and knew that the local nursing home will not be equipped to take care of her injury. When her brother arrived, he agreed with Nandita and called Credihealth from his car and told us about his sister's situation.

Our in-house doctor suggested seeing a specialist and found the nearest Orthopedist in Kolkata for them. Nandita was rushed to that hospital immediately and is doing fine post-surgery.

Credihealth finds Gynaecologist in Kolkata for Teenager with STD

Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs are not talked about openly in the modern society despite being a major cause for concern. It is a shame that sexually active teenagers and adults have no or limited knowledge about their sexual health and hygiene. Our current education system gives no importance to sex-education and that has led to a sharp rise in such diseases. Another reason for the rise in these numbers is sexual abuse followed by no medical assistance.

Some of the most common STDs prevalent among teenagers include HIV, herpes, molluscum contagiosum, syphilis and Viral and Bacterial STIs. Sadly, due to lack of information regarding signs and symptoms, most people don't know they carry these diseases and continue to spread it to others. The best way to prevent STDs like these is to always use protection and be aware of any unusual activity in your body that could indicate infection/disease, so that you can get medical help as soon as possible.

Rishika Chaturvedi, a young college student started to experience some vaginal discharge and pelvic pain. Assuming that the reason for this could be the beginning of her next menstruation cycle, Rishika ignored the discomfort for over a week. Later she shared her ordeal with her elder sister who discussed with Rishika the dangers of unprotected intercourse. Her sister also advised her to see a professional and called up Credihealth for guidance. We suggested three gynaecologists in Kolkata and her sister Lata chose one for Rishika, who is currently on her course of antibiotics and will soon recover completely.

Bariatric Surgeon in Kolkata Helps Woman Start a Fresh

Mental illness is just as serious as any kind of physical illness. However, it can be more difficult to diagnose due to the lack of evident physical symptoms. Mental health issues when not paid heed to can lead to implications for the physical health as well(and vice-verse.) This can be seen very easily in our societies. Most bed-ridden elderly become bitter and depressed in the old age. However, those who are physically fit and healthy would also have good mental health. People who go through tragedies in their life that affects their mental health, also leaves them with diseases like diabetes and other cardiac issues.

Madhumita Ganguly, a 45 year old homemaker lost her husband in an accident 16 years after their marriage. The sudden shock and lack of mental support from her family and friends resulted in depression for Madhumita. She would just sit in a room and cry. This went on for months after which, even though the crying stopped, she started to eat uncontrollably. Madhumita started to gain weight and refused to do anything about it when her family intervened.

Earlier last year, Madhumita turned 50 and decided she needed to change. She promised her loved ones and herself that she wanted to start a fresh and would begin to take care of herself. Her biggest challenge though, was not her weight. Her deteriorating health prevented her from exercising much and dieing alone was not going to help. She then decided to call us and asked us to find her a bariatric surgeon in kolkata for consultation. After an appointment with him, it was decided that Madhumita would have the surgery and step into a new phase in her life.

Monday 18 January 2016

Colonoscopy in Bangalore

Colonoscopy refers to a test that is done to study the insides of a person's colon and rectum through a device called a colonoscope, which is a thin and hollow light tube with a camera attached at its end. Colonoscopy is usually done to check for cancers, tumors, blood in the stool or to study any unusual activity in the gut. The procedure is about 30 minutes long and is done after the patient is put on sedatives.

Prior to the colonoscopy, a patient is given laxatives and is asked to stay on a liquid diet for some hours. She/he will also be encouraged to drink plenty of water, to clear the colon. The procedure involves the insertion of the colonoscope via the colon after some air has been blown into the colon, the images from which can be seen on an external monitor. A few after effects of the procedure are: slight discomfort after the procedure, bloating and gas, slight fever or blood in stool.

Every person- male or female above the age of 50 is advised to get a colonoscopy done every few years. This is the reason Vivek Gumbar, an IT professional from Bangalore, currently residing in Delhi, realised that his parents, both over 55, should get one done as well. But far away from home he wasn't sure he'll be able to find the best gastro doctor for his old parents. That is when he came across Credihealth's website. He gave us a call and shared his apprehensions. Our in-house doctor assured him that his parents' colonoscopy in Bangalore will be arranged by us. An appointment was booked for the following week and another one for the week after. Both of these went smoothly and Vivek was relieved to hear that both his parents were doing fine.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Surgical Oncologist in Kolkata treats a man with throat cancer

Finding the right doctor is crucial to any treatment process, especially when it comes to oncology specialists. Oncology is referred to the study and treatment of tumors. The three major kinds of oncology specialties include medical, surgical, and radiation. While medical oncologists use non-surgical methods to treat the tumors, like targeted therapy etc., surgical oncologists, as the name suggests, surgically remove the tumor and its surrounding tissues and radiation oncologists use radiation therapy to treat them. While most cancerous tumors can be treated with the above mentioned methods, sometimes more severe radiation, chemotherapy is required to treat the tumor- this is decided depending upon the progression of the disease in the patient. Throat cancer, is one such disease. When caught early, it can be cured with a combination of surgery and radiation. Unfortunately, lack of awareness leads to late diagnoses in a large number of cases, which can prove fatal for patients. The important thing to remember is to abstain from smoking, drinking and polluted environments. The second is to look out for symptoms and get them checked by a professional as soon as possible. Mahesh Dua, had a chronic cough, that had him worried. Despite his protests, his family forced him to see a doctor who asked him about other symptoms. After speaking to Mahesh, his doctor asked him to get a couple of tests done that revealed stage-I cancer. Unsure of their best options, the Dua family got in touch with Credihealth and asked us to find a credible surgical oncologist in Kolkata. We gave them 3 options and they asked us to fix an appointment with one of them. Mahesh is having is surgery tomorrow and is optimistic about his recovery.

Friday 8 January 2016

Best Oncologist in Bangalore helps woman with Ovarian Cancer

Finding a credible oncologist can be a difficult task. When you or your loved one is diagnosed with any form of Cancer, they are at great risk and you only wish to find the best available medical options for them. For many, however, this isn't an option until it is too late. Some cancers can go undetected for a long time and the treatment, as a result, needs to be extremely aggressive in order to be successful.

The functions of ovaries in a woman's body are not just limited to producing eggs once a month. They are also responsible for producing female sex hormones- estrogen and progesterone. About as big as an almond each, ovaries are the most vital organs of the female reproductive system and cancer of the ovaries can be extremely problematic for a woman. One of the biggest dangers of Ovarian Cancer is that it is not detected until it has spread to the extended pelvic region. However, early diagnosis can ensure full recovery for the patient.

Rama Shukla, a resident of Bangalore started to notice some abnormal symptoms a few weeks ago. She met her gynecologist and told her that she has been experiencing unusual pelvic pain along with some abdominal swelling. Not sure about her condition, her doctor suspected it was a urine infection and asked Rama to get tested. But Rama had an instinctive feeling about her health and she decided to call Credihealth to get a second opinion.

After consulting with the suggested doctor, she called us up asking for the best oncologist in Bangalore as the tests had confirmed ovarian cancer. Rama is now receiving treatment and is hoping to make a full recovery.

Monday 4 January 2016

Heart Specialist in Bangalore saves a woman's life

A personal loss can have a very strong impact on a person's mental and physical health. Especially, the loss of a loved one can have serious consequences for their health. According to psychologists there are several stages of grieving and while it is healthy to process one's emotions; for some people it is very difficult to go through the entire ordeal.

Broken Heart Syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, can be a repercussion of such an emotional trauma. The syndrome refers to a stress-induced condition in which the muscles of the heart are temporarily weakened and can cause heart failure and ventricular rupture. It has often been seen to occur after the loss of a loved one, turbulence in an important personal relationship, etc. The common symptoms of broken heart syndrome are very similar to that of a cardiac arrest. These can include chest pain, low blood pressure, shortness of breath etc.

Tina Verma, a 52 year-old professional, working for a PR company in Bangalore was a victim to the disease. A couple of months ago, Tina, also a mother of two, suddenly lost her husband to after a severe case of brain haemorrhage. Soon Tina slipped into depression. She quit her job and started spending her time indoors. Last week, when her daughter was visiting, Tina started to complain of the symptoms usually associated with a heart attack. Worried, her daughter called up Credihealth and asked us to find the closest Heart specialist in Bangalore to her location. We informed the hospital of her impending arrival and made sure Tina was looked after the second she reached the hospital.