Saturday 20 February 2016

Pediatrician in Mumbai helps a woman in distress

Getting Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) is no picnic for anyone, but when it happens to your poor little children, its just awful. The reasons that make women more susceptible to UTIs than men, are also responsible for making young girls more prone to UTIs than men, which is the difference in their anatomies.

These infections are mostly caused by a bacteria called E.Coli, which usually lives inside the feces and can be transferred from the anus to urethra due to a number of causes. Some of these are, not cleaning up probably after using the washroom, holding it in, constipation, kidney stones, vesicoureteral reflux, etc. The common symptoms in children include pungent urine odor, bloody urine, vomiting, fever, burning pain while urinating,  frequent urination, etc.

Diagnosing UTIs can be complicated in children as the symptoms can be different from those found in adults. However, once diagnosed, a simple course of antibiotics can help treat the infection.

Worried about her little child's discomfort every time he wished to urinate, made Lata very worried about his health. She searched online and decided to call Credihealth for assistance. Our in-house doctor advised her to see a pediatrician and since hers was out of station at that point, she decided to make an appointment with another pediatrician in Mumbai. After she saw the doctor she realised that her toddler was not practicing healthy toilet habits, which had led to the infection. After completing the anti-biotics course, Lats's son is now healthy and happy and so is Lata. 

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