Thursday 25 February 2016

Hepatologist in Mumbai helps woman with gallbladder disease

hepatologist in Mumbai
Our bodies are complex. Made up of countless cells and tissues, our bodies have different organs that work differently and play different roles in our bodies. Since all the advancements made in medical science in the past centuries, these different organs and organ systems have specific specialists looking into their respective diseases and disorders: a neurologist looking into neurological disorders, a gynecologist looking into the matters of the female reproductive system, a cardiologist looking into cardiac ailments and so on so forth.

While a general surgeon or a gastrologist is a doctor that deals with the organs starting from throat to anus, there are specialists for some of these organs as well. A hepatologist, for example is a specialist that deals with the diseases and disorders of the liver, the gallbladder and the pancreas.

The gallbladder in our bodies provides a variety of functions, this includes serving as a reservoir for bile, which is then secreted by the bladder that in turn aids in the digestion process. A part of the biliary tract, the gallbladder  can often cause problems in the body like gallstones, gallbladder attack and gallbladder pain. Th latter is usually caused by cholecystitis, gallstones, biliary colic, pancreatitis and cholangitis.

Rasika Gaur, a mother of two,  was experiencing fever, nausea and suspected she had jaundice. She called up Credihealth and was suggested by our in-house doctor to see a hepatologist in Mumbai. Once she saw the doctor, she was diagnosed with cholecystitis, which is usually caused by gallstones. She started treatment immediately and is now recovering well.

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