Friday 26 February 2016

Nephrologist in Mumbai - Credihealth

Nephrology refers to the study of kidney and kidney functions. Kidneys, as most of us already know, are a pair of bean shaped organs that help purify blood of all toxins and produce urine to flush them out of our bodies. But there are some interesting facts that most people don't know: kidneys receive a higher level of blood flow than the heart, brain and even the liver (the largest organ in our bodies.) They filter close to 180 liters of blood everyday and in the absence of one, the other kidney can perform all the functions normally.  

In addition to all of these functions, kidneys also help maintain the water balance in one's body along with which they help in maintaining the blood composition and help regulate blood pressure. Another fact that most are unaware of is that people who smoke, don't just put their lungs at risk, their kidneys are also greatly harmed because of the habit. When a person suffers from kidney disease, her/his kidneys stop working properly and that leads to waste products and fluids accumulating in the body.

Diabetic Neuropathy is one such disease. The common symptoms of this disease are: loss of sensations in the lower legs / feet, numbness, weakness of muscles, loss of balance etc. for others it could be nausea, diarrhea, abnormal sweating, difficulty swallowing etc. Priyanka Vashisht's mother, a diabetic started to experience these symptoms. Worried about her health, Priyanka called us up for guidance. Our doctor, after listening to the symptoms advised Priyanka to take her mother to a Nephrologist in Mumbai and gave her options. They soon met up with the doctor and stated treatment.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Hepatologist in Mumbai helps woman with gallbladder disease

hepatologist in Mumbai
Our bodies are complex. Made up of countless cells and tissues, our bodies have different organs that work differently and play different roles in our bodies. Since all the advancements made in medical science in the past centuries, these different organs and organ systems have specific specialists looking into their respective diseases and disorders: a neurologist looking into neurological disorders, a gynecologist looking into the matters of the female reproductive system, a cardiologist looking into cardiac ailments and so on so forth.

While a general surgeon or a gastrologist is a doctor that deals with the organs starting from throat to anus, there are specialists for some of these organs as well. A hepatologist, for example is a specialist that deals with the diseases and disorders of the liver, the gallbladder and the pancreas.

The gallbladder in our bodies provides a variety of functions, this includes serving as a reservoir for bile, which is then secreted by the bladder that in turn aids in the digestion process. A part of the biliary tract, the gallbladder  can often cause problems in the body like gallstones, gallbladder attack and gallbladder pain. Th latter is usually caused by cholecystitis, gallstones, biliary colic, pancreatitis and cholangitis.

Rasika Gaur, a mother of two,  was experiencing fever, nausea and suspected she had jaundice. She called up Credihealth and was suggested by our in-house doctor to see a hepatologist in Mumbai. Once she saw the doctor, she was diagnosed with cholecystitis, which is usually caused by gallstones. She started treatment immediately and is now recovering well.

Hematologist in Mumbai - Credihealth

Hematologist in Mumbai
Our bodies are made of blood, muscles and bones. While we're all aware of most of our organs and bodily functions, our knowledge of the blood is limited. Did you know that there are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in our bodies and that one red blood cell can make a complete circuit of your body in just 30 seconds? And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Our blood is our lifeline, carrying oxygen and nutrients from one part of our body to the others. One can imagine the importance it carries by the fact that it is the most commonly tested part of our bodies.

The way our blood circulatory system sounds is simple but needs lungs, heart and arteries, veins and capillaries to work all the time to keep us alive. Like all the other body systems, our blood can also have diseases and disorders. Some of the most common blood disorders include, anemia, bleeding disorders, clots, cancer etc.

Ritika Chaube, an entrepreneur, owing a small start up, was fighting off a Urinary Tract Infection when she started to notice other symptoms like fever, feeling cold, shortness of breath etc. While she didn't pay attention to these in the beginning, soon she started to see small spots on her skin and faced abdominal pain. That's when she decided to call up Credihealth and explained her symptoms. The in-house doctor suspected Sepsis and told Ritika about this condition. Even though no there is no specific specialist for this condition, Ritika insisted on seeing a hematologist in Mumbai for her condition along with a physician. She thankfully made a full recovery soon after.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Pediatrician in Mumbai helps a woman in distress

Getting Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) is no picnic for anyone, but when it happens to your poor little children, its just awful. The reasons that make women more susceptible to UTIs than men, are also responsible for making young girls more prone to UTIs than men, which is the difference in their anatomies.

These infections are mostly caused by a bacteria called E.Coli, which usually lives inside the feces and can be transferred from the anus to urethra due to a number of causes. Some of these are, not cleaning up probably after using the washroom, holding it in, constipation, kidney stones, vesicoureteral reflux, etc. The common symptoms in children include pungent urine odor, bloody urine, vomiting, fever, burning pain while urinating,  frequent urination, etc.

Diagnosing UTIs can be complicated in children as the symptoms can be different from those found in adults. However, once diagnosed, a simple course of antibiotics can help treat the infection.

Worried about her little child's discomfort every time he wished to urinate, made Lata very worried about his health. She searched online and decided to call Credihealth for assistance. Our in-house doctor advised her to see a pediatrician and since hers was out of station at that point, she decided to make an appointment with another pediatrician in Mumbai. After she saw the doctor she realised that her toddler was not practicing healthy toilet habits, which had led to the infection. After completing the anti-biotics course, Lats's son is now healthy and happy and so is Lata. 

Gynaecologist in Mumbai helps woman with Vaginismus

Even though its not discussed enough, a person's sexual health is as important as any other part of their lives. While the conversation around mental health has finally started, talking about one's sexuality and sexual health is still considered a taboo. Sadly, most people associate a concern for sexual health as a sign of promiscuity that  discourages many individuals to ask questions and get information regarding these issues.

Sexually transmitted diseases, genital infections, vaginal diseases and penile dysfunctions are hardly discussed in families or among friends. The same goes for sex education. Many young men and women, unaware of their bodies and dangers of unprotected sex, often end up putting their health at risk.

A young married woman, Neerja Shukla from Bombay was unhappy with her marriage since she was facing a medical problem of a sexual nature. Having moved to Mumbai from Kanpur after her wedding, she did not know many people in the city and was scared to discuss her problem with others.

Vaginisums, a condition that affects some women, makes sexual intercourse difficult for some and impossible for others. The condition is a physical and a psychological issue and can be rectified with proper guidance and counseling: a fact, Neerja had no idea about. When she discussed her problem with a childhood friend staying in Delhi, she insisted that Neerja should see a doctor and share her problem with her or him.

Since Neerja was reluctant, her friend Firdaus called up Credihealth and asked us to book an appointment for her. Our in-house doctor suggested some credible gynecologists in Mumbai, Worli area, where Neerja stayed, and made sure she went for the appointment. Once her problem was identified, she soon started her treatment and is now enjoying her married life to the fullest.

Friday 19 February 2016

Gastroenterologist in Mumbai says lactose intolerance is common

Our digestive system doesn't just digest food, it is also responsible for our mental health, our skin and the healthy functioning of our entire body. The most common gastrointestinal disorders include functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders. This branch of medical science that deals with all diseases and disorders of organs starting from mouth to anus is known as Gastroenterology.

Our bodies are all very different from each other. While some of us digest all kinds of foods very well, the others constantly struggle with digestive issues. Many of us are allergic to certain food items, and then there are some who are allergic to specific food groups- milk and milk products being the most common culprits in most cases.

Thankfully, most such disorders have obvious symptoms like abdominal discomfort, pain etc. that let us know that we need to change our diet or in extreme cases, see a doctor. Some of the commonly reported gastric problems disorders include, acid reflux, GERD, diarrhea, Irritable bowel syndrome and lactose intolerance, among other things.

Rishika Surve, a native of Pune, who had moved with her family to Mumbai for a job opportunity suddenly required medical assistance when she found out her son was facing a gastric condition. Her son would get diarrhea very often and complain of gas, bloating stomach discomfort etc. Clueless about this condition and the reasons behind it, she turned to Credihealth for help. She booked an appointment through us with a reputed Gastroenterologist in Mumbai who explained to her that her son was lactose intolerant and needed to eliminate milk and milk products from his diet. He added that this was common and had no serious consequences for her child's health.

ENT Specialist in Mumbai | Credihealth

Madhulika Chakroboty, a young journalist from Asansol, West Bengal, had a good experience with Credihealth. When her mother was suffering from a cardiac disorder, their family had reached out to Credihealth for help. Her mother was treated by one of the top surgeons in Kolkata and within weeks, she was back to work, doing her daily chores with no trouble. This is why when she was out on a reporting assignment in Mumbai and needed medical assistance, she decided to called us up.

While sleeping in her hotel room, Madhulika started experiencing unbearable pain and discomfort in her throat.  She had been suffering from a sore throat for sometime and decided to wait till she reached home to see a doctor, but now, her symptoms were getting worse. In addition to the pain, she realized she had fever and a severe headache, as well. This is when she decided to get help.

Group A streptococci or Strep throat, refers to a bacterial infection that mostly affects children between in the age of 5-15 but can be caught by adults of all ages. While it may seem harmless to some with less than severe symptoms. It can be extremely troublesome for others.

Sadly, for Madhulika, she fell in the second category. After she called up our in-house doctor, she was given the option to choose from good ENT specialists in Mumbai. Soon, we made an appointment for her and she was given anti-biotics for her strep throat by her doctor. She soon recovered and enjoyed rest of her trip comfortably. 

Thursday 18 February 2016

Cardiologist in

Heart, which pumps out the blood and enables it to carry oxygen to every part of the body, is the most vital organ of our bodies. If there is a malfunctioning of the heart, the overall health of the patient suffers deeply. Cardiological diseases refer to diseases related to the heart and the blood vessels. There are mainly six types of cardiological diseases, these are: Ischemic heart disease, Cerebrovascular disease, Peripheral vascular disease, Heart failure, Rheumatic heart disease and Congenital heart disease.

Heart Failure or Congestive Heart Failure is referred to a condition where the heart fails to supply the required amount of blood to the body so it can perform all the bodily functions normally. The common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, irregular heart beat, swollen ankles and feet and cough, among other things. These are of two types: heart failure due to left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure with normal ejection fraction.

While working in her Dadar office, Rita Sharma, suddenly started feeling fatigued and tensed. This had been going on for a while but suddenly seemed intensified. Rita decided to call up Credihealth for guidance. After speaking to Rita, our in-house doctor recognized this as a cardiological ailment and arranged for an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

The Credihealth doctor had arranged for the nearest available Best cardiologist in Mumbai and informed her of Rita's arrival in advance. After speaking to the doctor,    Rita realised that she was at serious risk of heart failure and needed immediate medical intervention. Working together with her doctor, Rita is now in a better shape and makes sure her physical health is her first priority

Friday 12 February 2016

Cardiac Surgery in Mumbai required for baby with congenial heart defect

Surgeries, no matter how minor or major, always put our health at risk. When our bodies are open and our internal organs exposed and vulnerable, it is easy for them to get infected or injured. While this can be partially avoided by using minimally invasive measures, it is always best to choose your hospital and surgeon carefully. This is extremely important for serious surgeries like that of the heart and brain.

Congenial heart defects refer to heart conditions that are present in an individual since birth. Some of these conditions could change the normal/natural flow of blood through the heart, one such condition is Tetralogy of fallot: a rare condition, this usually occurs when the patient is suffering from four different defects in the heart. These are:

Ventricular septal defect (a condition where there is a hole in the wall separating the right and left ventricles of the heart)
Right ventricular hypertrophy (a condition where blood does not flow properly from the heart to the lungs, causing stress to the right ventricle)
Pulmonary stenosis (a condition where there is an obstruction to blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery)
An overriding aorta (a condition that results in mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood)

After her baby was diagnosed with Tetralogy of fallot, Rhiddhima was in shock. She, however, had a difficult decision to make for which she decided to get in touch with the professionals. She called us up at Credihealth, and told us about her baby needing a cardiac surgery in Mumbai. We then arranged for the best doctors in the best hospitals in the city. Post-surgery, her baby is okay and in recovery.

Monday 1 February 2016

Kidney Doctor in Chennai helps man with Chronic Kidney disease.

Our body consists of 206 bones, 78 organs, 320 pairs of muscles and billions of cells. With all of that stuff fixed inside your body, think about all the different things that can go wrong. The thought is scary. But our body has its own way of fixing all small malfunctioning. And for when things get out of our control, our body lets us know that we need medical help. All the symptoms that one experiences are signs given by bodies.

We get a fever when our body is fighting an infection, if eating some foods create more acid in our body, we immediately feel discomfort: while some of these symptoms can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful, it is important for us to always look out for anything unusual in our bodies. Kidneys- the two bean shaped organs that help our bodies excrete waste and toxic material out of our system also have their own way of letting us know of any malfunctioning or infection.

Chronic Kidney Disease refers to a condition where there is progressive loss in the kidney function over a period of time. The early symptoms include talking about increased blood pressure, anemia and sexual dysfunction. Rahul Padukone, a native of Bangalore, working in Chennai, ignored all these symptoms for days. Finally after a few weeks, his wife decided to drag him to the doctor. She gave us a call and asked us to find a best kidney specialist in Chennai, who revealed that Rahul was suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease.

Liver Doctor in Chennai helps woman with genetic condition

The reason human beings are this advanced and can perform variety of functions (things that don't come naturally to other species); is because of years of evolution. All the information our ancestors collected to survive and thrive has been transferred to us in the form of genes. It is this instinct that makes us scared in the dark and the same instinct that tells us we need to eat more in the winters to keep ourselves warm. But along with this helpful data, our bodies also carry other diseases and disorders that our ancestors possessed.

It is sad but if your parents have diabetes, chances of you acquiring the disease at some point in your life go up; if you aunt has breast cancer, then you will have to live with the fear of developing the disease for the rest of your life. But the silver lining here is the availability of prior knowledge. Knowing that you're susceptible to certain diseases, you can work harder to keep your body healthy and get help the second you see the early signs.

Tripti Verma, the only child of Alok and Nisha Verma, knew that her grandmother's Wilson Disease will come back to haunt the family. She got her liver tested when she saw the earliest signs. She soon realised she'll need specialists to treat her condition and called us up at our toll free number and asked us to find the best liver doctors in Chennai for her.

Brain Specialist in Chennai saves a man's life

We all know and understand how important the brain is. But how many of understand how the brain enables us to perform such diverse sets of functions, all at the same time? Here's how: the nerves connected to our brains at one end and other body parts at other ends, transfer all these “messages.” When this system is disturbed, it can lead to a range of symptoms and disorders. These include, Autism, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder, lack of coordination, Seizures, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson's disease among other things.

According to studies, our brain can develop over 600 different disorders. Now of all things that can go wrong with our system, we may not be able to recognize most of these based on common generic symptoms alone. That is why it is advised to not take any of the symptoms given above, lightly. Headaches and fatigue can just be signs of poor diet and stress but it is always better to be safe. After all, prevention IS better than cure.

Amrita Sekhon turned out to be a smart woman when she dragged her husband who was showing some minor symptoms, to the doctor. One day after Amrita's husband, Aman came back from work, he told her that he blacked out and fell down in his cabin. Without wasting a minute Amrita went to her doctor and on his advise, went online to find a brain specialist in Chennai for Aman. She called us up and chose among the best options that were advised to her. The doctor later confirmed that Aman had a cerebral aneurism and that early diagnosis had saved his life.

Neurosurgeon in Chennai | Credihealth

Neurosurgeon in Chennai
Every medical show you have ever seen would have definitely had a very reputed neurosurgeon. But why is that? Why are neurosurgeons so reputed and rare? The answer is simple: because they deal with the most important organs of the body- the brain and the spine. Both of these together are responsible for all our functions in our bodies- voluntary and involuntary.

Our eyes may see landscape and colours, but it is our brain that tells us what it means and how we feel about it. Even though our ears listen to the music, it is our brain that recognizes the sounds and decides whether we like it or not. Our tongue may be in contact with the food but it is our brain that likes the taste of ice-cream and makes us crave it every other day.

Needless to say, an impairment or disorder of either the brain or the spinal cord can alter and stop any of the above mentioned functions. This is also the reason why most mammals have a skulls and back bones to protect their brains and cords, respectively.

Garima Deshmukh, a resident of Thane, currently posted in Chennai needed a specialist in this field when she found out about an impairment in her spinal cord. While she asked her friends and family about the best options, she wasn't satisfied with the answers she got. That is when she decided to call Credihealth for assistance. We gave her three options for some of the best neurosurgeons in Chennai. She asked us all kinds of questions about the experience and credibility of the doctor and only after she was satisfied, she decided to book her appointment.

Liver Doctor in Kolkata helps man with Alcoholic Liver disease

“Chaar botal vodka, kaam mera roz ka” (I drink 4 bottles of vodka everyday), “Haan main alcoholic hun” (yes I am an alcoholic), “baaki baaten peene baad” (We'll talk after drinking).. These unfortunately are today's party anthems. While a drink or two, once in a while never harmed anyone; this celebration of a harmful beverage has in many ways increased the purchase and consumption of alcohol across the country. Today, right from school children to adults, everybody sees alcohol as a symbol of fun and merriment. While the gender bias in its consumption has marginally reduced with both the sexes being equally fond of it, the easy availability of it has increased with it as well.

Alcohol harms our bodies in many ways. The most important one being the amount of pressure that is put on our  livers. Liver's main function is to detoxify the blood of impurities, in addition to many other vital roles including aiding in digestion. After we consume alcohol, which is extremely difficult to break down, there is increased amount of pressure on our livers, which can also lead to inflammation, leading to some serious diseases.

Rituraj Sen Sharma and his wife, Anupama were extremely fond of drinking and would either be out with friends in a bar everyday or drink in each others' company. This excessive alcohol abuse finally took a toll on Rituraj's health. When he started experiencing loss of appetite, nausea, tender abdominal muscles, unexplained weight loss etc., he decide to call up Credihealth to book an appointment for a best liver doctor in Kolkata, as he he was sure  this was about his alcohol consumption. Now cured, both husband and wife drink in limit and are leading healthy lifestyles.