In medical terms Diarrhoea is a symptom of a bowel infection where the
body eliminates itself from germs; most cases this lasts for few days to a
week. Nausea, fever, stomach ache, dehydration, watery stools, and cramps are
very common symptoms if a child is having Diarrhoea
Diarrhoea in children is very common compared to adults, what are the
common causes Diarrhoea in children? Let us know the some of the causes of
diarrhoea and how to treat them before consulting a Paediatrician.
Common Diarrhoea
Symptoms in Children:
Viruses are one of the most common causes of diarrhoea, children can
get infected by viruses like bacteria, rotavirus, salmonella and via parasites
like giardia at times. It is crucial to know the first steps of treatment in
such cases, as preventing fluid loss becomes one of the top most priorities.
In the case of infants, ORS
(oral rehydration solution) and frequent feeding of breastmilk are always
advisable. Having said that, water alone is not adequate as it doesn’t contain
enough potassium, sodium and other required nutrients to ensure 100%
rehydration for a child. Consult a pediatrician near you to understand how much
fluid intake is required and how to keep a close watch on dehydration.
Diarrhoea in kids can be due to food poisoning as well, though in
normal cases children may vomit frequently and within 24 to 48 hrs this tends
to go away. Treatment of diarrhoea due
to food poisoning is almost similar diarrhoea caused by other infection; keep
children hydrated and consult a doctor or a pediatrician in case the situation
is not under control after 48 hours.
Another cause of diarrhoea in children can be due to some of the
irritable bowel disease, the side effect of any antibiotics, too much intake of
candies or sugary foods, allergies to certain food items and celiac disease (an
autoimmune disorder which mainly affects the small intestine).
Know the preventive
There are few simple ways to keep your children away from Diarrhoea,
try to follow some of the preventive steps mentioned below:
food hygiene: Keep healthy with proper storage of food,
handling them well and, cooking food after proper washing of vegetables.
hands: A simple and effective way to
stay away from stomach infections is following the rule and wash your hands
after and before eating.
Toddlers often tends to grab things and get it in their mouth, so keep
away things that may not be suitable for children and ensure their toys and
other items are clean.
Never ignore diarrhoea in children, keep a
check, as severe dehydration can be dangerous; it may cause brain damage,
seizures, and even death. So never avoid these signs of dehydration in
Children being very thirsty or frequently
Crying but no tears in eyes
Dryness in skin or mouth
Little urination which is dark in color
Dizziness and lack of energy
In such cases consulting a specialist or a pediatrician to treat a
potential infection is always a better option.
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