Tuesday 8 September 2015

Bariatric Surgery in Chennai saves a man's life

All of forty years and unmarried, Zeeshan was living a boring, sedentary life. Since he was a young boy, he had always struggled with being overweight and the social embarrassment just made his physical condition worse. As he grew up, he realized that physically, his stamina was much lower than other kids his age but that wasn't motivation enough to change his ways. He still continued with mindless emotional eating and ended up becoming an obese adult. With his dad's family business for him to handle, he continued to live a restrictive and secluded life.
It was just days before his fortieth birthday that he got the shock of his life. During a health check up he found out that his BMI was higher than 40 kg/m2, which was far away from normal. Along with diabetes, hypertension, severe lactose intolerance; the doctor told Zeeshan that his life will be cut short if he doesn't loose weight. Since his condition was very different from other overweight patients, he decided to go in for a bariatric surgery.
Most feel that loosing weight by dieting and exercise is difficult and painful while having a surgery is the easy way out. That theory, however, is absolutely wrong. Even though you are saved from exercising, the surgery and post-op care are extremely complicated. Dealing with such an important decision, Zeeshan needed someone he could trust. He called up Credihealth and asked us to find a suitable doctor and book and appointment for him. On his request, we found him a great doctor for his bariatric surgery in Chennai and post his surgery, he is now waiting to start his new life.

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