Tuesday 8 September 2015

Credihealth helps you find the best IVF Specialist in Chennai

Dr. Aruna Kalra, Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Paras Hospital, Gurgaon, says, pregnancy is a goal for couples today and she is absolutely right! Having babies has become a difficult task for people of our generation in metropolitan cities, across the world. From the crazy work schedule to the constant partying and alcohol consumption, couples are struggling to conceive. This has worsened because of the delay in starting families by working couples.

Tanima Raheja, a 32 year old woman who works with an MNC in Kilpauk, Chennai called us up to enquire about fertility experts in her area. As per the procedure, our in-house doctor asked Tanima about the medical issues she was facing. Tanima then told us her entire story. She and her husband Shrey Raheja got married 5 years ago, when both of them were 27 years old. Both Tanima and Shrey were happy with their careers and wanted to wait for a couple of years before they started trying to have children. But, one they did, they realized that something was wrong.

After seeing a family doctor, who later referred to them to a gynecologist, they came to know that Tanima had polycystic ovary disease or PCOD. Determined to have their own children, the couple called up Credihealth asking for the best IVF specialists in Chennai. Without wasting any more time we assisted them with their best doctor options in Kilpauk, and neighboring areas and fixed the earliest appointment we could. After seeing the doctor, Tanima was reassured and decided to loose weight. The couple soon conceived and his now expecting a baby in November.

Credihealth helps you find great Cardiology Doctors in Chennai

Heart problems are a common problem these days. A few decades ago, people who led sedentary and stressful lives would face heart ailments in their old age- but this is no bar today. Even in their early forties, people are facing serious heart problems. This is furled by our current lifestyles that prevent us from the required amount of physical activity.

Stress too is a big part of our lives these days, which again is your health's worst enemy.

This is a common sight these days. Just a few months ago, Mr. Gautam Sundaram was sitting with his relatives and greeting them at his favourite niece's wedding in Kancheepuram, when he suddenly started feeling restless and dizzy. With shooting pain in his chest and arm, his relatives rushed him to the hospital where he was declared 'bought dead'. This shook the entire family. Worried, the bride's father, Mr. Nalesh M. Rajan, decided to get himself checked.

His reports soon came out and it was not all roses. Mr.Rajan found out that he had a blocked artery and the discomfort he had been facing the past decade was a result of this. As committed as he was to get himself treated, he did not know where to go and who to take help from. That's when his daughter, Meenakshi told him to let her handle it.

She called us up at Credihealth and asked us to find the best cardiology doctors in chennai. On our suggestion, Meenakshi, with her father, came to Chennai, and got her father admitted in a great hospital in the central part of the city. Pleased with the efficiency of both the hospital and the doctors, Mr.Rajan told us how grateful he was and promised to be more concerned about his health.

Bariatric Surgery in Chennai saves a man's life

All of forty years and unmarried, Zeeshan was living a boring, sedentary life. Since he was a young boy, he had always struggled with being overweight and the social embarrassment just made his physical condition worse. As he grew up, he realized that physically, his stamina was much lower than other kids his age but that wasn't motivation enough to change his ways. He still continued with mindless emotional eating and ended up becoming an obese adult. With his dad's family business for him to handle, he continued to live a restrictive and secluded life.
It was just days before his fortieth birthday that he got the shock of his life. During a health check up he found out that his BMI was higher than 40 kg/m2, which was far away from normal. Along with diabetes, hypertension, severe lactose intolerance; the doctor told Zeeshan that his life will be cut short if he doesn't loose weight. Since his condition was very different from other overweight patients, he decided to go in for a bariatric surgery.
Most feel that loosing weight by dieting and exercise is difficult and painful while having a surgery is the easy way out. That theory, however, is absolutely wrong. Even though you are saved from exercising, the surgery and post-op care are extremely complicated. Dealing with such an important decision, Zeeshan needed someone he could trust. He called up Credihealth and asked us to find a suitable doctor and book and appointment for him. On his request, we found him a great doctor for his bariatric surgery in Chennai and post his surgery, he is now waiting to start his new life.

Friday 4 September 2015

Finding Oncologists in Hyderabad made easy

Cancer rates in our country are on the rise. Doctors and specialists give various reasons for this- food, lack of exercise, radiation from microwaves etc. As scary as this disease sounds from the outside, the person experiencing it has to go through much worse. Cancer is as exhausting physically as it is mentally. The surgeries and chemotherapy drain the person completely causing immense stress and trauma. We at Credihealth try our level best to be your partners during this hard time.

Mrs. Ramika Naidu, a native of Vizag, also known as Vishakapatnam, had been diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2005 and had gotten the tumor removed and was living a healthy life post-chemo. However, recently, on finding a lump in her chest she went to the doctor close to her locality and found that cancer had developed again. Since her previous oncologist had shifted to the U.S. she was now worried about finding another doctor and was finally advised by a friend to get in touch with Credihealth.

When she spoke to us, she told us that since both her children put up in Hyderabad, she wanted us to find her an oncologist in Hyderabad. On her request we found her some of the best options in her mentioned area and she selected one out of those based on the information we provided her. She has now moved temporarily to Hyderabad and is waiting for her surgery, which is due in a week. Both her family and she are confident about their decision and are in constant touch with us .

Thursday 3 September 2015

Finding Oncologists in Hyderabad made easy

Cancer rates in our country are on the rise. Doctors and specialists give various reasons for this- food, lack of exercise, radiation from microwaves etc. As scary as this disease sounds from the outside, the person experiencing it has to go through much worse. Cancer is as exhausting physically as it is mentally. The surgeries and chemotherapy drain the person completely causing immense stress and trauma. We at Credihealth try our level best to be your partners during this hard time.

Mrs. Ramika Naidu, a native of Vizag, also known as Vishakapatnam, had been diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2005 and had gotten the tumor removed and was living a healthy life post-chemo. However, recently, on finding a lump in her chest she went to the doctor close to her locality and found that cancer had developed again. Since her previous oncologist had shifted to the U.S. she was now worried about finding another doctor and was finally advised by a friend to get in touch with Credihealth.

When she spoke to us, she told us that since both her children put up in Hyderabad, she wanted us to find her an Oncologist in Hyderabad. On her request we found her some of the best options in her mentioned area and she selected one out of those based on the information we provided her. She has now moved temporarily to Hyderabad and is waiting for her surgery, which is due in a week. Both her family and she are confident about their decision and are in constant touch with us .

Liver Transplant in Hyderabad made easy by Credihealth

liver transplant in Hyderabad
Earlier this year, Ameesha, a psychology student in Hyderabad who lives with her father saw his health deteriorate and found out that he needed a liver transplant. Coming from a financially well off family, Ameesha and her father had no monetary issues but wanted the best doctor to attend to them. Mr. Nagraj Ranipeta, Ameesha's father was advised by his secretary to get in touch with Credihealth regarding their problem.

On speaking to our representative, Mr. Ranipeta and Ameesha told us that they had had a bad experience with a surgeon a few years ago and would want to know everything about their doctors before they go ahead with their treatment plan. Our in house doctor assured both father and daughter that all their requirements will be met. They viewed several doctor profiles and met with a couple of doctors before deciding on their surgeon. The next task was to find a donor.

Transplants usually involve expensive surgeries and long healing procedures. These transplants also need donors who then have to learn to live without a vital part in their bodies. A liver transplant, however, only requires a donor to give a part of his/her liver. Thankfully Ameesha was a match and decided to be a donor for her father. The liver transplant in Hyderabad was then scheduled for a near date and was successful. Both Mr. Nagraj Ranipeta and Ameesha are healthy now and are leading normal lives. In follow up calls they have thanked us and their doctors for the entire procedure.

Credihealth helps you find the best Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad

Gastroenterologists in Hyderabad
Chanpreet Kaur's who was originally from Delhi had recently moved to Hyderabad when her teenager son started falling ill very often. She would see him vomiting soon after eating. This was accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps in the pelvic region and weight loss. Tensed and worried, she saw many doctors who told her it was flu or a bad stomach infection. Chanpreet would give her son the medicines prescribed by the doctors but with no improvement in her son's condition.

This went on for a while, before while searching for specialists on the internet she chanced upon the Credihealth website. She decided to give this a try as well and was advised by our in house doctor to see a specialist in the field. We suggested a number of doctors in her area and Chanpreet chose a very experienced doctor for her son. After her appointment with her doctor, she received a call from our representative who spoke to her about the experience.

She said that even though she felt satisfied with the doctor she met, she wants to get a second opinion before she begins this treatment. On her request, we again listed some of the best Gastroenterologists in Hyderabad who had the same diagnosis- Chnapreet's son was suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease. He was then treated with suitable medicines and was given a list of foods and items he could not consume. Within days, Chanpreet saw her son's health improve by heaps and bounds. Today, her son is absolutely healthy and is preparing for a football match.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Father of two finds Cancer doctors in Hyderabad through Credihealth

Jayant, a father of two young children found out that he had pancreatic cancer. Shattered, he could not imagine his family without him. The only earning member of his family of four and with the fifth member on the way, Jayant started researching online about the disease. While watching videos on the subject on Youtube he came across a couple of videos by Credihealth that had some of the top cancer specialists explaining chemotherapy and radiation techniques that helped in treating cancer.

After reading further about our website and our work, Jayant gave us a call and explained to us that he had been diagnosed with stage II pancreatic cancer. We helped him find some of the best doctors in his city, Hyderabad and explained him how the surgery works. We fixed an appointment for him with three doctors on his request. After meeting the oncologist, the surgeon and another cancer specialist in his area, he decided to go with the doctor who had over 20 years of experience.

That is when he broke the news to his family. On finding out, they were all scared and worried for Jayant's health but as the time grew closer, Jayant and his family continued to stay in touch with us and his cancer doctor in Hyderabad and felt more and more confident about his survival and recovery. Soon after the surgery, owing to the expert doctors and Jayant's strong will; he started recovering at a great speed. Today, he is continuing with chemotherapy and is looking forward to the arrival of his baby, who will grow up seeing a cancer survivor father.

Bypass Surgery in Hyderabad helps grandmother of four

Mrs. Suraksha Gandhi, a grandmother of four young children who loved her dearly, found out that she needed a Coronary artery bypass surgery. Suraksha had two daughters, Rashmi and Nivedita, both of whom lived in Delhi and were in Hyderabad, their hometown, for the vacation. On finding out about the condition of their mother, they wanted to take her to the capital but Suraksha refused and wanted to get the procedure done in Hyderabad.

On researching on the procedure and the appropriate doctors they chanced upon the Credihealth website and decided to get in touch with us. Once both Rashmi and Nivedita spoke to our representatives they were convinced that their mother would be taken care of.

After this, our representative gave them multiple doctors they could choose from and they decided to go with a credible doctor, close to their house, who had several rich years of experience in the field. We fixed an appointment for them right away and they went ahead with the surgery. Despite small complications, the surgery was successful and Mrs.Suraksha Gandhi is now recovering from the procedure.

Both her daughters are also satisfied with the entire experience and are grateful for their mother's recovering health. In a follow up call with us, the elder daughter, Rashmi told us that having the bypass surgery in Hyderabad was not an easy decision for them but with Credihealth's guidance and support they are glad that they gave in to their mother's wishes. Mrs.Gandhi will also soon be playing with her grandchilden.

Valve Surgery in Mumbai gives man a second chance at life

Heart problems are the biggest concern for most middle middle-aged urban population in our country (and is true for most urban cities across the world, for that matter). This is worse in places like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore etc. With the increasing stress levels and unhealthy lifestyle, Cardiac ailments that require tertiary care are also on the rise. Keeping this in mind, Credihealth helps you find the best Cardiac doctors and surgeons in your area.
Earlier this year, Rahul, a resident of Rohtak who had recently moved to Mumbai with his parents after getting a job there, called us. His father had had health problems for a long time but a recent visit to a local doctor had revealed that his father, Mr. Amar Lal was suffering from Aortic stenosis, a condition that required him to get a Valve replacement surgery.

This was a shock to Rahul who was new to the big city and was just settling in. His whole family was worried and didn't know who to turn to. That's when a colleague of Rahul suggested taking assistance from Credihealth. When Rahul first spoke to our Credihealth Doctors he was extremely worried about the procedure and his father's life but with the help of videos and blogs we explained to him that this procedure when done by the right doctor could give his father a second chance at life. Satisfied, Rahul decided to go ahead with the surgery.

In contradiction to what Rahul had thought, we helped him find a doctor that helped Rahul within the budget that he had estimated. The whole family was thankful for having had the valve surgery in Mumbai, which didn't just help them with the right doctor but also helped them get in touch with Credihealth.

Credihealth helps elderly with Hip Replacement in Mumbai

Namita, a resident of Bangalore, called us up in panic a few months ago. While she was on the phone with her mother, who lives in Mumbai- her mother had fallen down and was in immense pain. With assistance from their helpful neighbours, she received immediate medical help but according to a doctor friend, had fractured her hip-bone. This was a huge matter of concern for Namita and her entire family who were all away from their hometown and their mother.

Her mother, Mrs.Bimla Sharma was a 75 year old woman who was staying alone in Mumbai at the time. As Namita would've taken some time to reach her mother and since their family doctor was away on business; Namita felt like she had no one to turn to. That is when she came across the Credihealth website.

She called us up and explained her situation immediately. Assured that her mother, Mrs.Bimla Sharma, will be taken care of, Namita began to make arrangements to come to Mumbai. Meanwhile we got in touch with Mrs. Bimla Sharma and her neighbour who helped us make arrangements for her treatment. Within hours of the accident, she was taken into the hospital was treated by the best hip replacement doctors in Mumbai. By the time Namita reached Mumbai, her mother was done with her surgery. To this day we are in touch with Namita's mother who keeps us updated with her health and hip, which has really changed her life for the better.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Knee Replacement in Mumbai

The most common health complain by people in their forties, fifties and sixties is that of knee pain. Sadly, once your knees start to deteriorate, it is almost impossible for them to go back to their original state and with time, they just get worse. Some patients, however, particularly those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis: find relief in knee replacement surgeries.

Mrs. Mona Bakshi was a 41 year-old woman from Mumbai who started experiencing menopause way earlier than usual. Since the normal age for women to go through menopause is late-forties and early fifties, her doctors did not give her any supplements for her condition. Finally, by the time she had stopped menstruating her knees became so weak that even at her age, jogging, exercising and going to the gym got out of question. With minimal physical exercise, she started to gain weight and her health problems started increasing.

What her doctors initially thought was Osteoporosis later advanced into Osteoarthritis, making her life difficult and daily chores harder.

Once Mona realized that the root of all problems were her knees, which she had almost given up on; she decided to fix it. On a friend's suggestion, she called us up and asked us how the procedure takes place. After getting full information from our in-house doctor, our website blog and videos, Mona was confident about the surgery and asked us to find her the best doctor for knee replacement in Mumbai. Today, post-surgery and recovery, she is like all her friends and is able to go for a walk, do her daily chores etc. and is happy to have dodged turning old in her middle age.