Friday 28 August 2015

Credihealth helps you find the best IVF Specialists in Delhi

Having children of your own is one of the biggest boons of one's life but sadly not every one is that lucky. Our lifestyles today, where we work in shifts and eat junk food all the time, disorders like PCOD in women and less sperm count in men has led to widespread infertility among the people of our generation. Earlier, if a couple couldn't have children they would just live an unhappy, childless life or adopt (which itself is a big taboo in our society.) But today, thanks to the advancement in medical science all of this has changed.

Rohit and Radhika Maheshwari, a young couple living in Green Park, Delhi, both of whom work in established MNCs in Gurgaon know this well enough. Married to each other for 5years, they were still struggling to conceive. They later found out that a medical condition in Radhika was preventing them from having a baby of their own. Shattered, they didn't know how to fix the problem. This is where Credihealth came in to help the couple.

After a suggestion from their neighbors, Radhika and Rohit called us up and asked for the best IVF specialist in Delhi. We gave them a list of the most suitable doctors and their previous record, from which they chose their doctor wisely. After a successful treatment, Radhika was finally blessed and is pregnant with twins. She has made appropriate lifestyle changes and both husband and wife are now looking forward to their new life as parents.

Bone Marrow Transplant in Mumbai saves a little girl's life

Imagine the plight of a mother who comes to know that her fifteen year old has aplastic anemia. Mrs.Fauzia Rehman, who was tired of dragging her young daughter, Amani, from doctor to doctor was shattered when she found out that the only way for her to lead a normal life would be to go for bone marrow transplant. Like most other people, Fauzia, who is also a single parent was scared and anxious and didn't know who to turn to for reliable advise and support. That's when she called us.

In January this year, Fauzia, a resident of Thane called us in tears. She told our in house doctor the state that she was in and revealed the details about her daughter's condition. Scared of loosing her only child, Fauzia was comforted by our in-house doctor who explained how the transplant works and sent her links to Credihealth videos on the transplant. Pacified and assured that her daughter has a good chance of making full recovery, Fauzia asked us what the second step will be.

Our doctor listed some of the best doctors for Fauzia and she, along with her daughter prepared herself for her daughter's bone marrow transplant in Mumbai. Amani, who was initially scared and confused about her disease is now looking forward to her bright future. She is currently preparing for her board exams that she missed because of her condition and plans to pursue her studies in medical research. Many people like Amani and Fauzia have benefited from the current advancements in medicine and we at Credihealth help you connect with all your best options for the same.

Are Looking Best Doctors Info from Hospitals for Bariatric Surgery in Delhi?

An obese man or a woman is always perceived as a lazy over-eater, who is not concerned about his/her health. But the truth is that there can be a number of reasons behind a person being obese. Mostly it is because of genetics and/ or because of emotional reasons. Manish Arora, a business man from Rajouri Garden, Delhi, had always dealt with weight issues.

Being the butt of every joke in his family, Manish had become used to the mocking and teasing and this had taken a huge toll on his self-esteem and confidence. But recently his family doctor told him that his confidence wasn't the only thing that was suffering because of his weight- still in his mid-thirties, his health was deteriorating and he was told that if he did not fix the weight issues, his life will be short and buried in diseases.

This really worried Manish. A father of two young children and the only breadwinner in his family, Mani decided to  mend his ways. Being a very physically passive person and already suffering from a knee problem, Manish knew  he will not be able to see positive results with heavy exercising. Accepting his physical limitations, he realized that Bariatric surgery was a good option for him.

When he called us up at Credihealth, we suggested him the best surgeons for Bariatric Surgery in Delhi and within a few weeks he went ahead and got his surgery. He has now completely recovered and is looking forward to a promising life as a good father, son and husband.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Liver Transplant in Delhi saves a family

Ramit, the eldest son of the Mahajan family was is deep distress. His father, Mr.Anil Mahajan a gifted artist was in trouble. Obvious symptoms like yellow skin and eye-balls along with nausea and disorientation: had revealed that Mr.Mahajan had a liver problem, soon after he was diagnosed with a liver infection, in a nursing home near by in Bulandsheher, Ghaziabad, Ramit found out that his father needed a liver transplant.

This came as a shock to Ramit's entire extended family who loved his father dearly. Mr. Mahanjan's young son had never faced a situation like this before in his life. Coming from a large family where his father was the patriarch, he didn't know where to go. Researching online he came across Credihealth website and he gave us a call.

Ramit explained his father's condition to us and their entire story followed by his financial and physical limitations. Our in-house doctors assured Ramit that his father will be taken care of. He was instructed to go to a reputed doctor in a credible doctor in Delhi who looked at his father and fixed a date for the transplant later that week.

Soon after that Ramit told his family about Mr.Mahajan's liver transplant in Delhi and took him to the hospital on the fixed date. Mr. Mahajan had his surgery and soon recovered. He is now back to his love of painting is now absolutely healthy. Credihealth has helped many families like the Mahajans find suitable doctors and hospitals in their area and are now leading healthier lives.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Credihealth helped Sanjay find the Right Surgeon for Cardiac Surgery in Mumbai

Frantic work life, overwhelming stress and anxiety and imbalanced meal routines have become a part of the metro cities in India. This has led to a rapid increase in the number of heart diseases. However, advancement in healthcare services, infrastructure and increase in number of specialized cardiac physicians has helped managed the increase in heart diseases and procedures.

At Credihealth, we get a huge chunk of request are for cardiovascular diseases. And this, verifies the aforementioned theory. Credihealth is a healthcare marketplace focused on providing comprehensive information regarding tertiary care medical issues and procedures. It also provides a comprehensive list of super specialist from top hospitals, who treat such medical conditions.
One of our patient, Mr. Rajesh Patwari’s son (Sanjay) told us that his father had a bad chest ache a few months ago. Since then he has been seeing his family doctor for treatment. After a few consultations, his doctor suggested that there seems to be a blockage in the artery and they should consult a cardiovascular specialist doctor. When Sanjay was searching for a surgeon for Cardiac Surgery in Mumbai on google, he stumbled on Credihealth.
Credihealth enlisted top cardiac surgeons in Mumbai, with their detailed profiles, fees and availability. Sanjay compared and shortlisted 3 doctors, and requested for appointment with any of them. He got a call from our in-house medical expert, who understood the medical condition of his father and the reasons for choosing the doctors. He was suggested some credible and economical cardiac surgeons in Mumbai. Sanjay chose one of the suggested cardiac surgeon, booked appointment and got the cardiac surgery done.

Search for Best Surgeon for Bariatric Surgery in Mumbai using

First of its kind, Credihealth is an online healthcare marketplace giving detailed information about top doctors from renowned hospitals in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. Credihealth pioneered the change in digital healthcare in India to provide credible and reliable information about tertiary care diseases, super specialist doctors from top hospitals, surgeries, treatments and costs. This allows the patient to take an informed decision, and reduces the hassles of the patient.
 Rajaani, weighing 168 kgs, was suffering from super morbid obesity, and had BMI (Body Mass Index) over 100. She was advised weight loss surgery by her family doctor. The family doctor had referred her to a surgeon in a renowned hospital in Mumbai. She consulted the surgeon, however, she was not happy. She wanted more options for surgeons for her weight reduction surgery.
She googled “Top Doctors for Weight Loss Surgery in Mumbai”, she landed on Credihealth. She came across a page that gave complete information about the Bariatric Surgery – Frequently Asked Questions, Hospitals, Doctors, Price Range and Patient feedback. She compared the credentials of the shortlisted surgeons and decided to book appointment with Dr. Vrushank.
Rajaani requested for an appointment with her selected doctor, using Credihealth. Within next 15 minutes, she got a call from a medical expert who understood her medical condition and her reason for choosing Dr. Vrushank. The expert gave her options of two other Bariatric surgeon, in case she wants to go for a second opinion. Rajaani consulted Dr. Vrushank, and shared her feedback about the surgeon. She got a quote for bariatric surgery and with the help of Credi, she pre-booked her bariatric surgery with the doctor. She got complete support from Credihealth in admission process and discharge process.
Now Rajaani is back to her routine life, and recommends Credihealth to her friends who are looking for options for specialist doctors.

Monday 24 August 2015

Cardiac Surgeon in Mumbai giving people second chances at life.

The biggest drawback of our comfortable lives with our fancy vehicles and air conditioners is how our bodies, despite being wired for it, are no more physically active. Along with that, we eat junk, fried , packaged and unhealthy food all the time. This is the reason that experts estimate that in the coming years, India will have the highest number of cardiac ailments patients in the world. 

Here are Credihealth, we get numerous requests from patients to see Cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. And this, as reports suggest will only increase in the coming years. Keeping that in mind, we connect you with and advise you to see, some of the best cardiac ailments doctors in the country. 

One of the patients to have benefited from our service is Mr. Milind Ganu. Milind called us up a few weeks ago and told us he wanted to get a full health check-up done. After returning from the hospital, a routine follow up call with us revealed that he had blocked arteries and required Angioplasty (also known as Percutaneous Coronary Interventions). 

He was advised by our in house doctor to get the surgery done as quickly as possible and on his request was suggested some credible and economical cardiac surgeons in Mumbai. Milind soon met with the doctor of his choice and fixed a day for the procedure. Her has now recovered and is living healthier, more active lifestyle and is making the most of the second life his doctors helped him get.

Friday 21 August 2015

IVF Specialist in Mumbai giving the gift of life

Reproducing is the one of the most beautiful and significant part of our lives. While most couples conceive easily and naturally; with our lifestyles today, many struggle with having children for years. This stress isn't just fueled by the social pressure but also emotional turmoil and guilt. With our fast pace lifestyles and erratic sleeping and eating patterns, coupled with our professional lives' stress, conceiving is no more a child's play.

Six months ago, Aishwarya Chandra called us up and told our in-house doctor her story. At 34, she had PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and was shaving trouble conceiving. After having tried for 3 years, she finally was about to give up when she called us up. Our in-house doctor told her than thousands of women across the globe were now becoming mothers in their mid-thirties and told her to have faith. She then told Aishwarya about all the treatments and doctors that she could choose from.

After serious consideration, Aishwarya chose from some of the best ivf specialists in mumbai. After proper medical guidance and counseling, coupled with a better, healthier lifestyle, Aishwarya called us up last week to tell us that she is expecting a baby. She is taking good care of herself and will finally receive the gift of motherhood. Many women like her benefited from proper medical care and have been able to conceive. Today an increasing number of women in the country are looking for medical assistance to have babies and are succeeding at it as well- just like Aishwarya.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Neurosurgeon in Mumbai and Brain Tumour

When we hear about people being diagnosed with brain tumour, our heartbeat stops for a second. Imagine what the patient and the family members go through. A gifted painter Mansha Bhosle, suffered a similar fate. While out on an excursion with a dozen students from her class, Mansha suddenly started behaving very differently. She was acting very forgetful. Initially, the students would laugh behind their teacher's back joking about her age but later they they realised her behaviour was not similar to most 50 year olds.

On reaching back, her niece and student Shaily informed the family about what had been going on. Worried, they called Credihealth and asked for a neurologist near their residence so that Mansha could receive medical assistance as soon as possible. On meeting the doctor, they were asked to get an MRI that revealed a tumour in Mansha's brain.

In a follow up call with Credihealth, Mansha's brother revealed the ordeal and the in-house doctor arranged for them to see one of the best neurosurgeons in Mumbai. After meeting the doctor, the family felt more confident about Mansha's impending surgery and while staying in touch with our in house doctor, the family proceeded with the surgery and Mansha came out of it with flying colours. After all the emotional turmoil, throughout which, the Bhosle family stayed in touch with us and shared the details of the procedure and the recovery process. Today, Mansha has almost fully recovered and will soon get back to her normal routine of teaching her students.

Monday 17 August 2015

Neurologists in Mumbai transforming lives

Do you know how common neurological disorders are in India? Well, let's just say this, they are way common than you thought. With genetic diseases like Alzheimer, Wilson disease
Disease, etc. and stokes and spinal injuries, neurology is a vital branch of medicine, dealing with the most delicate part of the body, that requires thorough and the best specialists.

Credihealth, currently helping patients find the most suitable doctor options in all major Indian cities- Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and just recently, Bangalore; has been actively helping patients finding the best neurologists in their region, based on their personal requirement (ranging from their consulting fee to their years of experience and the hospitals they have worked for.)

In the last 3 months, we have received numerous calls from patients all over the country who required to see a neurologist and our in-house doctors, found the best options available for each one of those patients. However, the most touching story was of Nivedita Ganguly, a young teenage girl living in Mumbai.

Nivedita, had suddenly started complaining of severe headache, a strong urge to vomit throughout the day and some visual abnormalities. Recognizing the problem, our doctors here at Credihealth fixed an appointment with a credible neurologist in Mumbai who soon realised that there was an aneurism in Nivedita's brain. Nivedita was soon taken to surgery and has now made full recovery with no permanent disability. With her whole life ahead of her, she now says she wants to be a doctor herself to cure other people, just like she was.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Credihealth helps you find best Urologists in Hyderabad

If it wasn't for doctors, our lives would be so different today- from mild allergies to life threatening tumors, docs and specialists are here to assist us and make our lives healthier and longer at every step. Today, however, there are many medical practitioner for you to choose from and there is no sure-shot way of knowing which one is most competent and most suitable for you and your needs. This is where Credihealth comes to your rescue.
Anshuman, an IT professional from Hyderabad, whose father was experiencing discomfort in his prostate region, called us up in a frenzy last month. He told us that his father, Mr. Avinash Gaur, went to the washroom multiple times and experienced pain when passing urine. He also told us that Mr. Gaur, reportedly, also saw blood in his urine the previous day.

Worried that this could indicate Prostate cancer, our in-house doctor fixed an appointment with one of the best urology doctors in hyderabad. After a few tests, he concluded that Mr. Gaur in fact was suffering from cancer and started his treatment immediately. Today, Anshuman's father is done with his surgery and will be starting with Radiation soon. This is not an isolated incident. Many patients like Mr. Avinash Gaur have received guidance and best treatment from the Credihealth's in-house doctors and the best available specialists in their region.

That said, we here at Credihealth try our level best to provide people the best doctor and treatment options, to the best of our abilities, just like we helped Anshuman with a competent and admirable urologist in hyderabad.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Neurologists in Hyderabad transforming lives

India is a developing nation where the current state of healthcare is not ideal. Improving this stride of things, Credihealth has introduced an easier, more reliable way of approaching health related decisions. In 6 cities across India- Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata and, very recently, Bangalore, Credihealth gives you the option to choose, compare and book a doctor of your choice at no additional booking fee.

Not very long ago, a woman called Shipra Ranipeta called us from Hyderabad. Speaking to one of our in-house doctors she revealed that her young daughter had been having chronic headaches since a long period of time, which was a huge cause of her concern for her and her entire family. This was affecting Shilpa's little girl's academic performance and eventually her self-worth. Calming her down, our Credihealth doctor told her that according to the symptoms she had stated, her daughter could have been suffering from a neurological disease called migraine.

Relived at having figured out the problem, Shilpa was worried about her next step. With suggestions from our in-house doctor, she chose from some of the best neurologists in Hyderabad and decided on an experienced doctor in the field. We arranged an early appointment for Shipra and her daughter and they came back satisfied. After understanding the condition, Shipra learnt how she could effectively deal with the problem and gave her daughter proper guidance and medication from then on. Credihealth has helped many people like Shipra, with proper healthcare guidance and the graph will only go up from here.

Monday 3 August 2015

Healthcare and Cancer hospitals in Kolkata

A recent research revealed that the people in India ignore the symptoms of cancer that are usually just staring them right in the face. According to WHO (World Health Organization,) the number of Indians that were diagnosed with Cancer has increased tremendously in the last decade. From 800,000 in 2001 to 3.3 million Indians in 2014- and sadly, this number is only increasing.

We at Credihealth try our level best to provide the patients with the best medical and tertiary care for cancer patients. Not very long ago, Mr. Neelesh Chaturvedi, a mobile shop owner from Kolkata, found out that he was suffering from prostate cancer during a routine check up. Clueless about his various options, he called us up tensed and defeated. Our in-house doctor, however, gave him hope. She provided Mr. Chaturvedi with his best doctor options in his area, along with explaining him his condition in detail.

Armed with complete information about the doctors, their experience and achievements, Mr.Chaturvedi      chose a suitable doctor for himself and started his treatment in January and has recently been declared cancer free.

Thanks to Credihealth, many men and women across the country have been able to reach out to the best cancer hospitals in Kolkata and have received right treatment for cancer. This is a big step for our country, a place where there is an immense lack of transparency in healthcare. Credihealth, today, is not only helping numerous patients in the country, it is also changing the healthcare industry in the best way possible.